Thursday, May 9, 2013


Points Won: 8 - Points Lost: 19
Another week and another lopsided defeat. This time we had a rematch with How Swede It Is and their 750-bot which nearly guarantees we start at a four-point disadvantage. If you think I'm exaggerating, even a bowler as skilled as Garrett puts up 250+ in 17.6% of his games and 750+ in 5.4% of his series. That's setting the bar awfully high. Entering this week, Swedish 750-bot had a record of 31-1.

I wish to be clear I'm not criticizing How Swede It Is. They had nothing to do with our league officials' decision to bend the rules and grant them a vacant bowler's average of 250. I wish only to illuminate the absurdity of that decision.

So in my best Joe Friday prose, I will point out that for weeks #1-#26, How Swede It Is had a record of 218.5-483.5 (winning percentage 31.1%). Since they were granted the vacant bowler with a 250 average in week #27, their record is 152-91 (winning percentage 62.6%). Is it a coincidence? Maybe their three remaining bowlers stepped up when Dennis had to drop out. This calls for a closer look.

         1-26  27-34
Kevin     191    191
Lisa      170    179
Eric      204    201
Dennis    203    ---
750-bot   ---    250

Kevin held his ground, Lisa improved 9 pins, and Eric slipped back 3 pins. Lisa's improvement gave the team a slight boost but it wasn't enough to double their winning percentage, especially since it was partially offset by Eric's decline. That increase of 47 pins per game from the 750-bot is clearly the driver of this team's upward movement in the past two months. But I digress.

Getting back to this week's match, we won the first game but lost the next two and the points for total pinfall. The Swedish 750-bot pulled off another sweep in match play and improved its record to 35-1.

WEEK 35  01  02  03  SER  PTS   G  PINS   AVG   PTS  HG   HS 200 600 700 800
Quinton 209 178 178  565  1.0  87 15981 183.7  52.0 266  661  25   7   0   0
Mark    222 244 183  649  3.0 102 19268 188.9  67.0 247  659  39  10   0   0
Brandon 172 196 111  479  1.0 105 20072 191.2  54.0 257  688  32   8   0   0
Garrett 212 188 247  647  0.0 102 22545 221.0  70.0 299  876  74  22   8   1
Kevin                           9  1708 189.8   5.0 236  574   4   0   0   0
TOTAL   815 806 719 2340  5.0 405 79574 196.5 248.0 964 2693 174  47   8   1

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